Downloads - jsqrencode - Fast QR encoding entirely in javascript as
JS Qr Code Generator - JSFiddle. JavaScript - QR Code Scanner and Generator, CodeCanyon. 7 May 2014 You can also upload QR code image and get the QR result. The script can generate QR codes like plain texts, URLs, Address, Phone numbers.QR Code Generator - Qr-js - npm.
WordPress › Javascript QRcode Generator « WordPress Plugins.
Generate QR codes using javascript -
Install. Install using the package manager for your desired environment(s): # for node.js: $ npm install qr-js. # OR. for the browser: $ bower install qr-js. 1 . 2. 3 4 5 6 2 Sep 2014 Use this plugin to add QR code in wordpress post and sidebar widget. This plugin use JavaScript library by davidshimjs to generate QR code.
JQuery.qrcode · generate QR codes dynamically · Generate QR Code with Javascript - JS Tricks. Soldair/node-qrcode · GitHub.
QR Code Generator - JSQR - JavaScript Quick Response Code. pure JS WiFi QR Code Generator.

See the demo to get a first impression. This plugin is used in h5ai to generate QR codes for file entries. It is a wrapper for the more generic QR Code Generator. Since JSQR generates the QR codes on your computer, no data are submitted and Try it out yourself and choose which type of code you want to generate. Ever wanted to create a cool QR code for your guests But never wanted to type in your WiFi credentials into a form that submits them to a remote webserver to.
QR code API - QR Code Generator
23 Sep 2014 short form of Quick Response Code which can be read by smart phones. In this post we will learn how to generate QR Code with JavaScript. 25 Nov 2014 node-qrcode - node js server side qr code generator utilizing node-canvas.
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